September 2019 Auckland
The 13th Australia and New Zealand Leadership Forum was held in Auckland on 12-13 September 2019. That Forum focussed on exploring fifteen years of the Single Economic Market and what comes next. Highlights of this Forum included the inaugural Trans-Tasman Innovation and Growth Awards, and the launch of the ANZLF Emerging Leaders Group.
Click here to view photos from the day.
March 2018 Sydney
The 2018 Forum was held in Sydney and focussed on, In pursuit of economic growth and productivity: Australia and New Zealand together or apart? There was no Forum held in 2017, as there was a decision made to hold the Forum at same time as the 2018 Joint Leaders Meeting.
To view photos from the 2018 Forum, click here.
October 2016 Sydney
The 2016 Forum was held in Sydney and focussed on, Innovating and Re-energising the Trans-Tasman relationship.
To view photos from the 2016 Forum, click here.
February 2015 Auckland
The 2015 Forum was held in Auckland and focussed on, Australia and NZ: The Next Ten Years: New Thinking for a New Agenda. There was no Forum held in 2014 due to other overseas visits to Australia and New Zealand and the desire to leverage the Cricket World Cup in 2015.
November 2013 Sydney
The 2013 Forum was held in Sydney and focussed on, CER to Asia: Australia and New Zealand – The Next Thirty Years.
April 2012 Sydney
The 2012 Forum was held in Sydney and focussed on, Australia and New Zealand – Together in the Indo-Pacific Century.
March 2011 Auckland
The 2011 Forum was held in Auckland and focussed on, ANZLF – a new generation. There was no Forum held in 2010 due to the Australian Election timetable.
August 2009 Sydney
The 2009 Forum was held in Sydney and attended by New Zealand Prime Minister the Honorable John Key and Australian Prime Minister the Honorable Kevin Rudd MP. The Forum covered a range of topics including; the response to the Global Financial Crisis led by Hon. Wayne Swan, Treasurer and Hon. Bill English, Minister of Finance; the Pacific and the trade agenda and the need to create more opportunity for Pacific Island Countries; the defence agenda; science as an enabler of progress in both countries; and taxation.
June 2008 Wellington
The 2008 Forum was held in Wellington, and attended by senior business leaders and several Ministers from New Zealand including the Hon. Simon Power Minister of Commerce, the Hon. Murray McCully Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Hon. Tim Groser Minister of Trade. The Forum discussion covered the need for mutual recognition of franking credits between the two countries; an Investment protocol as part of the CER Agreement; the establishment of a Common Border with Australian and New Zealand joint queues at customs clearance points for both countries; Climate Change; Geo-political issues; and the challenges and opportunities associated with the changing demographics of the respective populations.
April 2007 Sydney
The 2007 Forum was held in Sydney and attended by Australian Prime Minister John Howard along with several key Ministers from across the trans-Tasman. The agenda was focussed on the trade and economic relationship, identifying opportunities for wider collaboration including how Australia and New Zealand may be able to work together on climate change issues and attracting both tourists and skilled migrants to both countries.
May 2006 Auckland
The 2006 Forum was held in Auckland focusing on tax harmonisation and common currency. The Forum was well attended by key Ministers from across the trans-Tasman. Following the 2005 Forum, it was established that the focus would not be limited to what the Forum considers important but on establishing priorities and common ground with governments on the process for change. The 2006 Forum continued to recognise the significant, extensive and diverse relationship between Australia and New Zealand, and that it need not only be viewed from a bilateral perspective, but in the context of an increasingly competitive international economic environment.
April 2005 Melbourne
The 2005 Forum was held in Melbourne and covered a wide range of discussion points relating to the development of a single economic market, a common border encompassing Australia and New Zealand and merits of collaboration on issues of joint interest, particularly in the Asia-Pacific Region. The Melbourne Forum contributed to establishing the Joint Trans-Tasman Council on Banking Supervision to enhance cooperation on the supervision of trans-Tasman banks; the Australia-New Zealand Tax Review; and the Australian and New Zealand joint High level Steering Group to improve the efficiency of trans-Tasman people and goods movement.
May 2004 Wellington
The inaugural ANZLF meeting took place in 2004 in Wellington, with involvement from key ministers including Phil Goff, Alexander Downer, Peter Costello, Daryl Williams, Jim Anderton, Dr Don Brash, Peter Dunne and Lockwood Smith. The discussion centered on common border issues; Education, Research and Development; Demographics and Labour Markets; Banking and Financial Services; Stock Exchanges; Taxation; Intellectual Property; Competition issues; Securities Regulation; and Accounting Standards and Financial Reporting.